Please fill out the short questionnaire below.

You will then see our consultation calendar widget at the bottom of the page to select a date and time or you will be asked to provide three dates and times that you are available.

If you have any questions or inquiries regarding our Consultation Clinic services for medical trainees, please feel free to email


Thank you!



Our policy:

JABSOM Medical Trainees

With allocated funding from the Dean's Office, JABSOM medical trainees (i.e. medical students, residents or fellows) may have access to biostatistical support at no charge. If you are a JABSOM medical trainee and meet the following criteria: (1) PI of your research project and (2) first author of forthcoming publications related to your research project, you can schedule a consultation through the Medical Trainee Consultation Calendar ( Do not submit a separate JABSOM Biostatistics Core Facility request form.

The biostatistical consultant and the supervising/supporting Biostatistics Core Facility faculty member, if any, will be listed as co-author(s) on all resulting publications, presentations, abstracts, and posters if significant intellectual contributions were made.

The following acknowledgement will be included in all publications and presentations as a result of the consulting services provided: The project described was supported by the JABSOM Office of the Dean. XXX (Individual biostatistician(s)) was (were) partially supported by the U54MD007601 (Ola HAWAII) grant from the National Institute of Health (NIH). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of NIH."


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